Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Top Ten

My top ten this week includes:

1. Adobe CS software on the big SIR Mac. So much faster. Our efficiency level just went way up.
2. Coffee from a French press. The whole process is just more fun.
3. Michael Martone's contribution to the forthcoming Spring issue of SIR. You're going to like it.
4. Getting acceptance letters from MFA programs. Best mail/email ever.
5. Random spring-like days out of nowhere.
6. HBO's The Wire. Picks up right where Homicide: Life on the Streets left off (in a way).
7. Anything by Sam Cooke
8. "It Makes no Difference" by The Band. A song composed of clichés, but it's somehow still beautiful.
9. Using Alt + the number pad to do things like this: é, á, ñ, ó, ú. Really helps with using online translators for Spanish homework. If I'd discovered this two years ago, my GPA would be higher.
10. "Creve Coeur" by Jacob M. Appel, from The Missouri Review Spring 2007.

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