Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Warming Up of The Cossak

Finished my interview with Mary C. Mohr contest winner Kristine Anderson. I really like finding people I can be completely dorky with in terms of talking about prosody and other poetry related junk. In my mind, it would be a much worse place in the world if people like Kristine Anderson weren't in it.

Some interesting things are going on in Evansville. This place is starting to grow on me. Last night I saw pianist Philip Thomson at Wheeler Hall (University of Evansville). He was so outrageously amazing. He performed selections from Beethoven, Liszt and Blumenfeld. Thompson actually recovered long lost compositions by Felix Blumenfeld (like in dark and dusty archives, crazy!) and made it his life's work to play and record them. He was such an interesting looking man. Shawna and I met him in the hallway on the way to the restrooms and now I have an enduring crush.

Tonight, the Philharmonic Orchestra is doing "American Flair", so that should be fun. It is always nice to get dressed up and go to the Victory.

Also, I'm interested in seeing Bill Kristol and Mark Shields on Super Thursday. Oh come on, you want to see them, too- They're on the TV!!! hahahaha

Plugging away at SIR stuff, posters and poems and interviews, Oh My. I'm excited about new design ideas; it is a good thing. Now if it would stop snow/icing us in, I'll be able to get back in to the swing of things and get more work done.

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