So, here's what I've been up to since the last post:
1. Attended The Missouri Review fundrasing dinner in Columbia, MO, to hear Rodney Jones read. Here's a photo taken by TMR's promotions director, Kris Somerville...the contents of Rodney's right hand may or may not have been altered. At said event, I "secured" (OK, swiped) Rodney's poem "Willows," which appeared in the spring issue of SIR.
2. Helped coordinate (actually, Linda Cleek does all the work) the 19th RopeWalk Writers Retreat in New Harmony, IN. This year's faculty members were Marianne Boruch (poetry); Michael Waters (poetry); Jennifer S. Davis (fiction); and Kevin McIlvoy (nonfiction). Bich Minh Nguyen was the guest artist.
3. Started working on the 20th anniversay Retreat (June 14-21, 2008) NEA grant.
4. Started the layout of Twenty Years in Utopia: The RopeWalk Anthology, which will (hopefully) be available by April '08.
That said, the blog will probably be inactive until the fall semester begins in September.
See you then,